6 Tricks To Combat Hunger And Lose Weight
Most of us know where our next meal is coming from. Yet our reaction to hunger has not evolved with our convenience-centered world. This is why even the thought of being hungry may send you running to the mini-mart for sustenance. It's also why some people get so "hangry" when they're hungry. The problem: A lot of different factors influence how hungry you feel—many of which have nothing to do with your body's energy requirements. Your eating habits and schedule, the types of food you swallow, and even how tired or stressed you feel can drive hunger. These six tips help you control hunger and feel satisfied when you eat. 1. Silence your gut PHOTOGRAPH BY RYAN J LANE/GETTY IMAGES While fatigue or stress can trick your belly into believing it craves unhealthy junk foods, there are a few proven ways to help chill out its "feed me!" pleas. It may sound counterintuitive, but expending a little energy can help . A yoga practice, gym workout, or even a 10-mi...