Fitness Truths: post-holiday weight loss, the healthy way
Want a quick fat loss fix post Easter? Think again, as slow and steady always wins the race, says Jean-Claude Vacassin source Chances are you've just over indulged: Easter weekend is jam-packed with family gatherings, food, and of course - chocolate. So having assessed the damage done, you've probably set some pretty good eating and training intentions out again - but what kind of rapid weight loss and return to peak performance is actually realistic? The reality is that weight loss never happens as quickly as we want it to and for many of us losing excess body fat can seem like an arduous and frustrating process. We are all guilty of wanting the quick fix when it comes to getting into shape, but it is almost certainly never the best way to approach it. Despite the continued presence of the 'lose weight in six weeks' crowd, overall we are starting to see a more positive shift towards longer-term approaches that are less about radical interventions and more about adoptin...