How to Change Your Mindset to Lose Weight
Wanting to lose weight and finding the motivation to lose weight are two completely separate ideas. Although you may want to achieve a healthier weight, you might find it hard to change your mindset. In order to get yourself moving and start a weight-loss program , you need to find personal motivation and discover why you truly want to slim down. Source Step 1 Weigh yourself first thing in the morning to find out your current weight. Compare this to what a healthy weight for your height should be. You may discover that you are at a healthy weight, overweight or more overweight than you suspected. Step 2 List the reasons you want to lose weight. Think about how you feel when you go swimming, being able to be active with your children or feeling more confident about yourself. Dig deep and look for the personal reasons you want to have a healthy weight. Step 3 Consider how being overweight can jeopardize your health . People who are overweight are at a higher risk for heart disease, dia...