
Showing posts from January, 2016

How to Change Your Mindset to Lose Weight

Wanting to lose weight and finding the motivation to lose weight are two completely separate ideas. Although you may want to achieve a healthier weight, you might find it hard to change your mindset. In order to get yourself moving and start a weight-loss program , you need to find personal motivation and discover why you truly want to slim down. Source Step 1 Weigh yourself first thing in the morning to find out your current weight. Compare this to what a healthy weight for your height should be. You may discover that you are at a healthy weight, overweight or more overweight than you suspected. Step 2 List the reasons you want to lose weight. Think about how you feel when you go swimming, being able to be active with your children or feeling more confident about yourself. Dig deep and look for the personal reasons you want to have a healthy weight. Step 3 Consider how being overweight can jeopardize your health . People who are overweight are at a higher risk for heart disease, dia...

End the Yo-Yo Diet Cycle

Tired of watching your weight go up and down (and up again)? Here's how to ditch diets forever and get happy, healthy, and body confident. Why Yo-Yo Dieting Is Bad for You Last spring you reached your goal weight and celebrated by hitting the beach in a bikini. Then your job got stressful , you had trouble finding time to work out, and your cruise vacation had a round-the-clock all-you-can-eat buffet. Now when you step on the scale, you realize there's no way you're going to fit into the dress you bought for your friend's wedding next month unless you start dieting...again. We're betting that this scenario sounds all too familiar. Yo-yo dieting — or weight cycling , as experts call it — is practically a national pastime. An estimated 54 percent of people in the United States are currently trying to shed pounds, fueling a $59-billion-a-year industry of supplements , books , and packaged foods that promote weight loss, according to Marketdata Enterprises, a marketin...

How To Recover From Vacation Weight Gain

How can you recover from vacation weight gain? If you have gone on vacation lately, you may realize that it isn’t necessarily hard to eat clean.  The again, you’re on vacation, so that means your diet and fitness are on vacation also!  It becomes very easy to indulge in a “vacation binge fest” where you eat and drink everything that looks appealing. What isn’t  AS  easy is recovering from that vacation binge and losing the extra vacation weight gain baggage! Throughout this post I will tell you about my experience during my last vacation binge and what I am doing to get back on track. Vacation Fitness? Thoughts that go through your head early in your vacation: I’m on vacation, I need to let myself relax…  Even with my diet. Damn that Key Lime Pie sure looks good! French fries?  YES!  Double! Beer, margarita, rum punch?  YES!  Line them up! Thoughts that go through your head towards the end of your vacation: Holy crap, why did I eat all of t...

Use Your Mindset to Lose Weight, Get Fit and Be Healthy

Why do some people seem to lose weight easily while others fail year after year? Is it genetics? Money? Willpower? While it’s true these may play a small part, there’s something else that has a much larger role. It’s  mindset . And yours may be holding you back. In this article, we’ll explore the science behind your mindset and underlying philosophy, and show you some proven ways to take action to improve it–so you can finally use your mindset to lose weight , get fit and be healthy. What Is “Mindset”? Mindsets are beliefs about yourself and your most basic qualities. Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck, who wrote a book called  Mindset: The New Psychology of Success,  says there are two different types of mindsets: fixed and growth-oriented. People with a  fixed mindset  think talent alone creates success. When faced with a challenge, they tend to take the easy way out to avoid failure and embarrassment. This is a psychological principle known as...

How to lose weight & the importance of mindset

It's so easy to get stuck thinking about your weight; how to lose it , how to keep it off, and even for some; how to gain it.  Whether you're a man, woman or teenager, we've all compared ourselves to billboards and fit-stagrammers. Our image-focused society focuses on appearance so much, it can seem inescapable.  What actually works to help you lose weight ? Comparing yourself to others and shaming yourself every time you stray from your diet or workout regime is a bad habit, and leads to overeating, bad self-esteem , binging, trying crazy unrealistic diets and ensures a lifetime of fluctuating weight. But for some reason, we all do it. Instead of focusing purely on weight loss though, it's been found that focusing on a positive outcome like better health is way more effective for long-term weightloss. Now's the time to stop making yourself feel bad about your weight, and start focusing on the end goal : Living a happier, healthier life.  Focus o...