
Showing posts from December, 2015

Your Post-Binge, 3-Day Diet Detox Plan

An extra serving of sweet potatoes, a sliver of pecan pie, a Campari cocktail or two. By itself, each of these festive splurges seems so innocent. But like holiday presents, dietary indulgences come at a cost. Most of us never lose the 1 to 2 pounds we gain between Thanksgiving and New Year's Eve—and over the years, they add up. The damage is even worse when December's hearty eating patterns take hold and last well into spring, as they often do. That is why we developed this 3-day quick  weight loss  plan—to get you out of party excess mode and put you on a healthy eating track for the new year. It's simple, fast, and effective. Stick with it and you will have those extra pounds gone before you take down a single decoration. BREAK THE CYCLE The Splurge:  Those dreams of sugarplums dancing in your head may be more like a nightmare brought on by too many sweet treats. While experts used to dismiss the notion of sugar addiction , a growing body of research suggests that...

15 Easy Weight Loss Tips to De-Bloat and De-Stuff Yourself After the Holidays

Post-Holiday Weight Loss Tip 1: Fuel Up on the Right Breakfast The last thing you may want to do after a food binge is eat more the next morning, but having a morning meal is essential to getting your diet back on track. Choose a breakfast that includes a balance of lean protein and fiber, says Christine Bransford, M.S., R.D., a dietitian at Chicago weight loss center DayOne Health. "Having foods high in insoluble fiber like whole grains can help move things along in your body and eliminate bloat ." Post-Holiday Weight Loss Tip 2: Eat Some Melon Watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew are high-liquid fruits, which can help flush out toxins and relieve water retention and bloat. Smart! Have a cup of chopped fruit in the morning, or make a quick smoothie with vanilla yogurt and lime juice. Post-Holiday Weight Loss Tip 3: Reset Your Idea of Portions If your portion sizes ballooned during the holidays like floats in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, use portion-control tr...

20 Ways to Lose Weight After the Holidays

Guilty of overeating during the holidays? Here are 20 simple ways to beat weight gain. 1.   Drink water .   People often mistake thirst for hunger , so next time you feel like noshing, reach for water first. Drinking also helps you feel full. Some experts suggest sipping water (or iced tea) just before you sit down to a meal. Continue drinking as you eat to add volume and weight to your meal . 2.  Set realistic goals .   One or two pounds a week maximum is doable. Top weight-loss programs advocate stopping after the first 10 pounds and maintaining that loss for about six months before trying to lose any more. 3.  Build in splurges.   If you allow yourself to eat whatever you want for 2 meals out of every 21, you won’t inflict enough damage to subvert your weight loss . And you’ll feel less deprived. 4.  Count to 10.   Studies suggest that the average craving lasts only about 10 minutes. So before caving in to your urge, set your mental timer f...

5 Teas That Melt Belly Fat

To burn belly flab, turn up the heat. Think of your body as teapot on the stove and the water inside as your belly fat. Chances are the pot is sitting there over a low flame, not doing much of anything. The water inside may be warm, but it’s not boiling. If you want the pot to whistle—and attract a few whistles yourself—you need to crank up the heat. Well, that’s exactly what will happen if you take that teapot from metaphor to reality. Tea—at least, certain types of tea —can rev up your body’s ability to melt fat as quickly and easily as turning a stove from low to high. New research, included in my book  Zero Belly Diet , reveals that tea can reset your internal thermometer to increase fat burn by up to 10 percent without exercising, or dieting, or sitting in a sauna dreaming about a Nestea plunge. Why not give your body every advantage it can get in the battle against fat? Here are the five brews to start sipping for a slimmer, sleeker, more efficient fat-burning you. FAT-MELT...